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Quickstart guides

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JSON Schema

    "$schema": "SODAQ TRACK",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "imei": {    
        "type": "string",
        "description": "imei of the device sending the data"
      "imsi": {  
        "type": "string",
        "description": "imsi of the device sending the data"
      "timestamp": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "timestamp of message received in epoch"
      "epoch": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Time in UNIX format"
      "packetVersion": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "packet version from the device"
      "hardwareVersion": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Hardware version of the device"
      "softwareVersion": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "software version of the device"
      "softwareVersionState": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "if the software version has passed confirmation"
      "modemVersion": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "modem version of the device"
      "lat": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "the default Latitude chosen based on priority (GPS, WIFI, CELL)"
      "lon": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "the default Longitude chosen based on priority (GPS, WIFI, CELL)"
      "estAccuracy": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "the estimated accuracy of the positioning"
      "wifiLat": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "Latitude based on WIFI lookups"
      "wifiLon": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "Longitude based on WIFI lookups"
      "cellLat": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "Latitude based on CELL lookups"
      "cellLon": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "Longitude based on CELL lookups"
      "provider": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "sim card provider"
      "mcc": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "mobile country code"
      "mnc": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "mobile network code"
      "rat": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "radio access technology (eg. LTE, NB_IoT CAT1, 2G)"
      "band": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "frequency band"
      "earfcn": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number"
      "tac": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Type Allocation Code"
      "cellId": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Cell tower Identifier"
      "physicalId": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Physical ID of Cell tower"
      "rsrp": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Reference Signal Received Power"
      "rsrq": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Reference Signal Received Quality"
      "snr": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Signal-to-noise Ratio"
      "ceLevel": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Coverage Extension Level"
      "location": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "POSTGIS Information",
        "properties": {
          "type": {
            "type": "string"
          "coordinates": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": [
                "type": "number"
                "type": "number"
          "crs": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "type": {
                "type": "string"
              "properties": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string"
                "required": [
            "required": [
        "required": [
      "gpsData": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "GPS information (if payload has GPS)",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timestamp of the GPS reading"
          "timeToFix": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "how long it took to get a gps fix"
          "latitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "latitude from GPS"
          "longitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "longitude from GPS"
          "altitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "altitude from GPS"
          "numberOfSats": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "how many GPS satellites"
          "estimatedAccuracy": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "estimated accuracy of the GPS"
          "pdop": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "position (3D) dilution of precision"
        "required": []
      "wifiRecords": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "WiFi information of scanned APs",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Timestamp of when the scan occurred"
          "record": {
            "type": "array",
            "description": "",
            "items": [
                "type": "object",
                "description": "Wifi Record 1",
                "properties": {
                  "macAddress": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "MAC address of scanned WiFi AP"
                  "rssi": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "description": "Received Signal Strength Indicator of AP"
                "required": [
                "type": "object",
                "description": "Wifi Record 2",
                "properties": {
                  "macAddress": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "MAC address of scanned WiFi AP"
                  "rssi": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "description": "Received Signal Strength Indicator of AP"
                "required": [
                "type": "object",
                "description": "Wifi Record 3",
                "properties": {
                  "macAddress": {
                    "type": "string",
                  "description": "MAC address of scanned WiFi AP"
                  "rssi": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "description": "Received Signal Strength Indicator of AP"
                "required": [
                "type": "object",
                "description": "Wifi Record 4",
                "properties": {
                  "macAddress": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "MAC address of scanned WiFi AP"
                  "rssi": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "description": "Received Signal Strength Indicator of AP"
                "required": [
          "latitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "latitude based on wifi ssid lookup"
          "longitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "longitude based on wifi ssid lookup"
        "required": []
      "cellInfo": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "All cell information",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timestamp of reading"
          "mcc": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "mobile country code"
          "mnc": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "mobile network code"
          "rat": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "radio access technology (eg. LTE or NB_IoT)"
          "band": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "frequency band"
          "earfcn": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number"
          "cellTac": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Type Allocation Code"
          "cellId": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Cell tower Identifier"
          "physicalId": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Physical ID of Cell tower"
          "rsrp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Reference Signal Received Power"
          "rsrq": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Reference Signal Received Quality"
          "snr": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Signal-to-noise Ratio"
          "ceLevel": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Coverage Extension Level"
          "psmXTauInfo": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Extended Timer in PSM for TAU (Tracking Area Update)"
          "psmDTauInfo": {  
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Default Timer in PSM for TAU (Tracking Area Update) when PSM isnt requested"
          "latitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "latitude based on cell lookup"
          "longitude": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "longitude based on cell lookup"
          "accuracy": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "accuracy of the cell lookup"
        "required": []
      "mode": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "what mode is being used"
      "locationMethod": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "which location method was chosen (c = cell, w = wifi, g = gps)"
      "ip": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "ip of the device that has sent the message"
      "port": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "port of the device that has sent the message"
      "stateInfo": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "flightMode": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "(fm) if flight mode is enabled / disabled"
          "motionTrigger": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "(mt) if motion is enabled / disabled"
          "messageDoubling": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "(md) if message doubling is enabled / disabled"
          "t2Max": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t2m) the maximum time value in seconds that message doubling can reach"
          "backOffTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t1) timer for between Motion Stop and Motion Start messages"
          "baseIdleTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t2) timer between messages when in Idle state"
          "fmBackOffTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t3) internal timer for when to check for motion after motion has started"
          "fmIdleTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t4) internal timer for check device is Idle before sending MOTION STOP message"
          "confirmBackoffTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t5) waits for this time to confirm that device is in Motion"
          "confirmIdleTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(t6) waits for this time period to confirm device is Idle"
          "idleSensitivity": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(g1) accelerometer threshold to trigger motion event. Once exceeded the device enters active mode"
          "fmIdleSensitivity": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(g2) accelerometer threshold to detect if there is still motion for it to continue or stop"
          "positionTypeActive": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(pa) position type when in motion"
          "positionTypeIdle": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "(pi) position type when in idle state"
          "regularReset": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timer for when the device does a full reboot"
          "motionStartMessages": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "allows you to enable / disable Motion Start Messages"
          "BLEbeaconInterval": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "interval of how long it broadcasts its BLE ID (in milliseconds)"
          "BleScanDuration": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "interval in which is does the BLE scan for (Only BLE devices)"
          "sendDoorMessages": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "triggers the door sensor (Track SP Devices)"
          "doorMessageMinInterval": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "interval between door messages"
          "modemOnBattery": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "related to TRACK SP, threshold for modemOnTime (milliseconds) and button LED colour"
        "required": []
      "gpsConfig": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "",
        "properties": {
          "snrThreshold": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Min SNR value to consider a satellite as GOOD"
          "noSignalTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Time (in seconds) after which the GPS state machine will quit if there are not at least NoSignalCount satellites in view"
          "noSignalCount": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Min number of satellites in view needed to pass the NoSignal threshold and move to the next state"
          "minSignalTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Time (in seconds) after which the GPS state machine will quit if there are not at least MinSignalCount satellites in view"
          "minSignalCount": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Min number of GOOD satellites in view needed to pass the MinSignal threshold and move to the next state"
          "goodSignalTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Time (in seconds) after which the GPS state machine will quit if there are not at least GoodSignalCount satellites in view"
          "goodSignalCount": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Min number of GOOD satellites in view needed to pass the GoodSignal threshold and move to the next state"
          "betterAccuracyTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Max time (in seconds) for which the GPS state machine will keep running, trying to get a fix with better accuracy"
          "betterAccuracyMeters": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Min accuracy value (in meters) to consider the accuracy better than the previous one"
          "desiredAccuracyMeters": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Min accuracy value (in meters) to consider a fix as valid"
          "maxTimeForAccuracy": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Time (in seconds) after which the GPS state machine will quit if the accuracy doesn't get better of at least DS_BetterAccuracyMeters meters"
          "maxTimeForFix": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Max time for which the GPS state machine will be tried for"
        "required": []
      "batteryMv": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "battery voltage of the device"
      "temperatureData": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "complete temperature info from the device",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timestamp of the reading"
          "temperatureInCelsius": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "temperature reading in celsius"
        "required": []
      "temperature": {
        "type": "number",
        "description": "temperature reading in celsius"
      "deviceStatus": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": ""
      "trigger": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "unique numbers for different status of the device"
      "triggerName": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "name of the status that the trigger number is"
      "cbor": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "raw data in CBOR format from the device"
      "statsInfo": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "overview of the device behaviour",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timestamp of the reading"
          "modemOnTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "the amount of time the modem was on for"
          "gpsOnTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "the amount of time the GPS modem was on for"
          "deviceUpTime": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "the amount of time the device was on for"
          "resetCause": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "the reason for the reset"
        "required": []
      "doorInfo": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "door status information",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timestamp of the sensor reading"
          "doorStatus": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "status of the door (0=closed, 1=Open)"
        "required": []

      "accelerometerInfo": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "all accelerometer information",
        "properties": {
          "timestamp": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "timestamp of the sensor reading"
          "numberOfSamples": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "the amount of sample readings it took"
          "samplingDuration": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "the time it took to get the samples in milliseconds"
          "X": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "X value of the accelerometer"
          "Y": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Y value of the accelerometer"
          "Z": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Z value of the accelerometer"
          "angle": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "angle based on the accelerometer"
        "required": []
      "ratName": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Name of the Radio Access Technology"
      "counter": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "counter of event messages sent from device"
      "connectionCounter": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "counter of the connection attempts made by the device (Only on Firmware 2.X)"
      "receivingPort": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "receiving port for the data"
      "extraStateInfo": {
        "type": "object",
          "description": "all extra stateinfo",
          "properties": {
            "BLEbeaconID": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "Beacon ID of the Track BLE"
        "required": []
      "deviceId": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "uuid of the device"
      "device": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "all device information",
        "properties": {
          "id": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "uuid of the device"
          "imei": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "imei of the device"
          "iccid": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "iccid of the device"
          "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "name of the device"
          "productType": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "product number of the device"
          "qrTopCasing": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "QR Code / ID of the device"
          "groupShadowId": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Group ID of the device (if device is in a group)"
        "required": []
    "required": [

Payload Sample

Track Solar / Active

    "imei": "352600000000000",
    "imsi": "232000000000000",
    "timestamp": 1680694386102,
    "epoch": 1680694386102,
    "packetVersion": 1,
    "hardwareVersion": "2.3",
    "softwareVersion": "1.0.3",
    "modemVersion": "1.3.0",
    "lat": 50.0000000,
    "lon": 6.00000000,
    "estAccuracy": null,
    "wifiLat": 50.0000000,
    "wifiLon": 6.0000000,
    "cellLat": 50.0000000,
    "cellLon": 6.0000000,
    "provider": "tm_prv_sdq",
    "mcc": 262,
    "mnc": 2,
    "rat": 7,
    "band": 20,
    "earfcn": 6000,
    "tac": 40001,
    "cellId": 10270000,
    "physicalId": 400,
    "rsrp": 44,
    "rsrq": 18,
    "snr": 36,
    "ceLevel": 0,
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [50.0000000, 6.0000000],
        "crs": {
            "type": "name",
            "properties": {
                "name": "EPSG:4326"
    "gpsData": {
        "timestamp": 1681472765,
        "timeToFix": 11,
        "latitude": 51.0000000,
        "longitude": 12.0000000,
        "altitude": -158.1,
        "numberOfSats": 6,
        "estimatedAccuracy": 8.45,
        "pdop": 3.37
    "wifiRecords": {
        "timestamp": 1680694386,
        "record": [{
            "macAddress": "ab:cd:ef:12:34:51",
            "rssi": 39
        }, {
            "macAddress": "ab:cd:ef:12:34:52",
            "rssi": 46
        }, {
            "macAddress": "ab:cd:ef:12:34:53",
            "rssi": 61
        }, {
            "macAddress": "ab:cd:ef:12:34:54",
            "rssi": 61
        "latitude": 50.0000000,
        "longitude": 6.0000000,
        "accuracy": null
    "cellInfo": {
        "timestamp": 1680694383,
        "mcc": 262,
        "mnc": 2,
        "rat": 7,
        "band": 20,
        "earfcn": 6000,
        "cellTac": 40001,
        "cellId": 10270000,
        "physicalId": 400,
        "rsrp": 44,
        "rsrq": 18,
        "snr": 36,
        "ceLevel": 0,
        "psmDTauInfo": 3240,
        "latitude": 50.0000000,
        "longitude": 6.0000000,
        "accuracy": 15
    "mode": "Moving",
    "locationMethod": "w",
    "ip": "10.XX.XXX.XXX",
    "port": 2397,
    "stateInfo": {
        "flightMode": false,
        "motionTrigger": true,
        "messageDoubling": false,
        "motionStartMessages": 1,
        "t2Max": 86400,
        "motionContinueN": 10,
        "backOffTime": 120,
        "baseIdleTime": 21600,
        "fmBackOffTime": 30,
        "fmIdleTime": 90,
        "confirmBackoffTime": 2,
        "confirmIdleTime": 5,
        "idleSensitivity": 2000,
        "fmIdleSensitivity": 50,
        "regularReset": 259200,
        "positionTypeActive": 1,
        "positionTypeIdle": 1
    "batteryMv": 4138,
    "temperatureData": {
        "timestamp": 1680694383,
        "temperatureInCelsius": 20.31
    "temperature": 20.31,
    "deviceStatus": {},
    "trigger": 4,
    "triggerName": "Motion Stop",
    "cbor": "aa6170a361741a642d5c6c6163190f7061720467269183d",
    "statsInfo": {
        "s": 39,
        "timestamp": 1680694383,
        "modemOnTime": 430707,
        "gpsOnTime": 37522,
        "deviceUpTime": 96129,
        "resetCause": 144
    "accelerometerInfo": {
        "timestamp": 1680694384,
        "numberOfSamples": 10,
        "samplingDuration": 1021,
        "X": -380,
        "Y": 1940,
        "Z": 1129,
        "angle": 119.7
    "counter": 3952,
    "receivingPort": "12XXX-Track_Main",
    "deviceId": "1x2x3x4x-abcd-wxyz-9bc7-1x2x3x4x5x6x",
    "device": {
        "id": "1x2x3x4x-abcd-wxyz-9bc7-1x2x3x4x5x6x",
        "imei": "352600000000000",
        "iccid": "89430000000000000000",
        "name": "TRACK_SOLAR_000000",
        "productType": "4XXXXX",
        "qrTopCasing": "70B3D5ADC0000000",
        "groupShadowId": "1x2x3x4x-abcd-wxyz-9bc7-1x2x3x4x5x6x"

Track BLE

    "imei": "351300000000000",
    "imsi": "901200000000000",
    "timestamp": 1681472780882,
    "epoch": 1681472780882,
    "packetVersion": 1,
    "hardwareVersion": "1.0",
    "softwareVersion": "2.0.1",
    "swVersionState": true,
    "lat": 51.0000000,
    "lon": 12.0000000,
    "cellLat": 51.0000000,
    "cellLon": 12.0000000,
    "provider": "vf_prv_sdq",
    "mcc": 262,
    "mnc": 1,
    "rat": 7,
    "band": 3,
    "earfcn": 1000,
    "tac": 16545,
    "cellId": 35000000,
    "physicalId": 400,
    "rsrp": 44,
    "rsrq": 16,
    "snr": 33,
    "ceLevel": 0,
    "psmActiveInfo": 0,
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [51.0000000, 12.0000000],
        "crs": {
            "type": "name",
            "properties": {
                "name": "EPSG:4326"
    "gpsData": {
        "timestamp": 1681472765,
        "timeToFix": 11,
        "latitude": 51.0000000,
        "longitude": 12.0000000,
        "altitude": -158.1,
        "numberOfSats": 6,
        "estimatedAccuracy": 8.45,
        "pdop": 3.37
    "wifiRecords": {},
    "cellInfo": {
        "timestamp": 1681472778,
        "mcc": 262,
        "mnc": 1,
        "rat": 7,
        "band": 3,
        "earfcn": 1000,
        "cellTac": 16545,
        "cellId": 35000000,
        "physicalId": 400,
        "rsrp": 44,
        "rsrq": 16,
        "snr": 33,
        "ceLevel": 0,
        "psmActiveInfo": 0,
        "psmXTauInfo": 86400,
        "psmDTauInfo": 11160,
        "latitude": 51.0000000,
        "longitude": 12.0000000,
        "accuracy": 15
    "mode": "Moving",
    "locationMethod": "g",
    "ip": "10.XX.XXX.XXX",
    "port": 2397,
    "stateInfo": {
        "flightMode": false,
        "motionTrigger": true,
        "messageDoubling": false,
        "motionStartMessages": 1,
        "t2Max": 86400,
        "motionContinueN": 0,
        "backOffTime": 60,
        "baseIdleTime": 21600,
        "fmBackOffTime": 15,
        "fmIdleTime": 30,
        "confirmBackoffTime": 2,
        "confirmIdleTime": 5,
        "idleSensitivity": 200,
        "fmIdleSensitivity": 50,
        "regularReset": 259200,
        "positionTypeActive": 2,
        "positionTypeIdle": 2,
        "BLEscanDuration": 5
    "batteryMv": 4087,
    "temperatureData": {
        "timestamp": 1681472775,
        "temperatureInCelsius": 10.93
    "temperature": 10.93,
    "deviceStatus": {},
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    "cbor": "ac6170a461741a64393cf161631904ff6263631d7",
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Track SP BLE

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Smart Label

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